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Лекція (Lecture) №3 - Polysemy and homonymy as language universals

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Код роботи: 2500

Вид роботи: Лекція (Lecture)

Предмет: Порівняльна лексикології англійської та української мови

Тема: №3, Polysemy and homonymy as language universals

Кількість сторінок: 25

Дата виконання: 2017

Мова написання: англійська

Ціна: 300 грн

1. The semantic structure of polysemantic words in the English and Ukrainian language

2. The synchronic approach to polysemy

3. Types of meaning of a polysemantic word: general and special, primary and secondary (derived), central and peripheric, main and minor, direct and primary

4. Types of meaning of a polysemantic word from the stylistic point of view

5. Types of meaning of a polysemantic word from the historical perspective

6. Polysemy viewed diachronically. Radiation and concatenation

7. Homonyms in the English and Ukrainian language

8. Classification and sources of homonyms

9. The origin of homonyms in the English and Ukrainian language

10. Lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical homonyms

11. Homophones, homographs and homonyms proper

12. Polysemy and homonymy: the problem of differentiation