Лекція (Lecture) №2 - Semasiology. Problems of word-meaning
Код роботи: 2499
Вид роботи: Лекція (Lecture)
Предмет: Порівняльна лексикології англійської та української мови
Тема: №2, Semasiology. Problems of word-meaning
Кількість сторінок: 25
Дата виконання: 2017
Мова написання: англійська
Ціна: 300 грн
1. Characteristics of the word as the basic unit of the language
2. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of the word in the context
3. Problems of word-meaning
4. Referential and functional approaches to the problem of word-meaning
5. The semantic structure of English and Ukrainian words
6. Types of word-meaning: lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical
7. Lexical meaning: denotative and connotative components of lexical meaning
8. Types of connotation: stylistic, emotive, evaluative, and expressive
9. Motivation as a language universal
10. Phonetic type of motivation in the lexical units of English and Ukrainian
11. Morphological type of motivation in the lexical units of English and Ukrainian
12. Semantic type of motivation in the lexical units of the English and Ukrainian language
13. Motivation as a language universal
14. Semantic change as a language universal
15. Classification of semantic change: socio-linguistic classification
16. Classification of semantic change: psychological classification (metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole)
17. Classification of semantic change: logical classification (restriction, extension, amelioration and pejoration of word-meaning)