Шпаргалка з курсу Теорія та практика перекладу англійської мови - 13 питань
Код роботи: 2464
Вид роботи: Шпаргалка
Предмет: Теорія та практика перекладу англійської мови
Тема: 13 питань
Кількість сторінок: 20
Дата виконання: 2017
Мова написання: англійська
Ціна: 150 грн
1. Translation as a notion and subject
2. Significance of translating/interpreting
3. Translation in teaching of foreign languages
4. Types of literal translation from and into English
5. The difference between the interlinear and literary translation
6. Antonymic translation and its employment
7. Descriptive translation and its employment
8. Translation of the names and family names of people, geographical names
9. Translation of the names of companies, corporations, firms and their corresponding bodies
10. Translation of the names of enterprises, universities, etc. bearing honorary names
11. Translation of local names, names of residential areas, hotels, publishing houses, news agencies, etc.
12. Translation of the titles of newspapers (magazines, journals)
13. Translation of the names of public bodies (political parties, trade unions, etc.)