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Theses Features of english slang

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Код роботи: 3679

Вид роботи: Тези

Предмет: Іноземна мова (англійська мова). Англійська мова (Foreign language (English). English)

Тема: Features of english slang

Кількість сторінок: 3

Дата виконання: 2017

Мова написання: англійська

Ціна: безкоштовно

1. Kenyon J.S. Cultural Levels and Functional Varietes of English // Reading in Applied English Linguistics. N.Y., 1958. P. 215-220.

2. Rafikov K. Slang-as it works//. – [Digital resources] – Access mode: http://iloveenglish.ru/stories/view/sleng-kak-eto-rabotaet-ch1

Any language is social by the nature and for the reason it can't exist and develop out of society. Language is a means of communication between people, transferring cultural values and internal features of the speech of each country, especially if the language is international. The slang existed and exists at any time, continuously changes and is closely connected with that social or age group where it is applied.

The slang is expressional and emotionally painted lexicon of informal conversation which declines the accepted literary language norm. The youth slang continuously changes and is closely connected with history and features of culture of the country. It often arises where there is a protest youth movement against something. The main language sources of American slang: English slang, American slang, immigrants, tramps, hippie, underworld, army, fleet, business, students, teenagers, jazz and ultramodern music, sport (American soccer, baseball and so forth), movies of Hollywood. Between English grammar and informal conversation there are certain distinctions. In particular even some reductions in English can be considered as slang, for example: gonna - going to, wanna - want to, ama - I’m, Yep, ye-yes.

Also many words can have both usual and slang value. For example, such words: cool, to bless you. The slang has no grammar, this some kind of denial of any norms of grammar. And nevertheless, it is necessary to write and use a slang dialect correctly. The slang is, first of all, naughty, figurative, amusing, sarcastic, extremely interesting form of language. Some slang expressions notice some silly parties of human life, others neatly and witty characterize events, situations, behavior of people or features inherent in them.

The English lexicon is non-standard it is formed mainly on the basis of root words of the German origin. Affixation-one of the most productive ways of word formation in modern English, include prefixes, suffixes and infixes. The knowledge of non-standard lexicon, and in particular American slang, is necessary for successful understanding of modern fiction, broadcasting of radio and television, also for translation activity and just communication with the people speaking this language.