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Лекція (Lecture) №7 - Types of word formation in the english and ukrainian language

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Код роботи: 2504

Вид роботи: Лекція (Lecture)

Предмет: Порівняльна лексикології англійської та української мови

Тема: №7, Types of word formation in the english and ukrainian language

Кількість сторінок: 35

Дата виконання: 2017

Мова написання: англійська

Ціна: 400 грн

1. Morphological way of word-formation in the English and Ukrainian language: suffixation

2. Morphological way of word-formation in the English and Ukrainian language: prefixation

3. Prefixal and suffixal formation of words in the English and Ukrainian language

4. National and international word-forming affixal morphemes in the English and Ukrainian language

5. Affixation viewed synchronically and diachronically in the English and Ukrainian language

6. Conversion as a purely English way of word-formation

7. Peculiarity of conversion in the English language

8. Syntactical way of word-formation in the English and Ukrainian language: compounding

9. Compounds in English and Ukrainian viewed diachronically

10. The main problems about compounding viewed synchronically in the English and Ukrainian language

11. The distinguishing features of compounds in comparison with free phrases in the English and Ukrainian language

12. Classification of compounds in the English and Ukrainian language

13. Shortening as a language universal

14. Different types of shortening: clipping in the English and Ukrainian language

15. Abbreviation as the type of word-formation in the English and Ukrainian language

16. Blending as the type of word-formation in the English and Ukrainian language

17. Different types of shortening: acronyms in the English and Ukrainian language

18. Minor ways of word formation: back-formation in the English and Ukrainian language

19. Minor ways of word formation: reduplication in the English and Ukrainian language

20. Minor ways of word formation: distinctive stress in the English and Ukrainian language

21. Minor ways of word formation: sound-imitation in the English and Ukrainian language