Лекція (Lecture) №4 - Vocabulary as a system in paradigmatics
Код роботи: 2501
Вид роботи: Лекція (Lecture)
Предмет: Порівняльна лексикології англійської та української мови
Тема: №4, Vocabulary as a system in paradigmatics
Кількість сторінок: 25
Дата виконання: 2017
Мова написання: англійська
Ціна: 300 грн
1. Semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups in the English and Ukrainian language
2. Hyponymy in the English and Ukrainian language
3. Synonyms as a language universal
4. Synonyms. Problems of definition
5. A synchronic approach to synonymy: classification of synonyms in the English and Ukrainian language
6. Types of synonyms in the English and Ukrainian language: ideographic, stylistic, total, territorial, contextual
7. A synonymic dominant and a hyperonym: the problem of differentiation
8. A diachronic approach of synonymy: sources of synonyms
9. Antonyms as a language universal
10. Antonyms: different approaches to classification in the English and Ukrainian language
11. Types of antonyms in the English and Ukrainian language: contradictories, contraries, incompatibles, conversives
12. Absolute and derivational antonyms in the English and Ukrainian language